Looking for more fun educational resources? Introducing EducateWithMe!
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I’m always on the lookout for ANYTHING educational that might capture my kids' interest. I really do mean ANYTHING - be it a book, science kit, or even a live insect - anything that might capture their interest and keep them off the Playstation or Nintendo for a few hours. And I’m willing to bet that as a parent, you’re the same way. Actually, I know it for a fact, because I get emails every day from parents who have bought our Science Activities Bundle for their kids, and want to know what else I recommend. Well, I’m very happy to say that we finally got into gear, and put together an answer, once and for all…
Introducing… EducateWithMe!
educate_with_me_big That answer is EducateWithMe! EducateWithMe! is a place to find good, educational products for your child, to make sure that they spend at least part of each day using their brain for something other than staring into a screen. Educate With Me! aims to be the best, the most comprehensive list of high quality extra-curricular educational products for kids on the Internet. No matter what the interests of a child, we aim to assist you in finding the right product for them to keep them interested, engaged and hungry for more. Our mission is to make learning and education more meaningful and effective for students, and to make the subjects they are interested in easier for parents and teachers to teach. We do this by providing you with a list of many of the best products available. Our goal is coherence. Educate With Me! is not a large collection of disparate resources. It is a focused effort to clearly help you teach and build on children’s educational interests. (P.S. If you have a product or service that you feel might be useful to our fans please be sure and drop me a note and I’ll see what I can do to assist you in spreading the word.) I’m going to keep this post intentionally short - I want to give you time to explore! Go check out EducateWithMe! right now!