Animation: This fantastic animation teaches about the composition of blood using a cool story. Using bright colors, amazing illustrations, zany animations and simple explanations, your kids will learn about a complex and important subject…The Blood! Your kids will be so engaged watching this animation they won’t even realize they are learning about their blood! They’ll be sounding like a medical doctor in no time!
Song: Let your kids hum about their blood…Vampires and kids will love this music story! This is not just for Halloween!
Coloring Book: Have fun and retain all about the composition of blood with this wonderful Blood Coloring Book. Kids & vampires won’t notice time passing as they color while waiting at a restaurant or even at the doctor’s office!
Sing-Along Storybook: This Science With Me! Blood Sing-Along Storybook can be enjoyed with your kids as you watch the Blood animation or listen to the Blood song in the car! They will love and remember these amazing illustrations. Next time your kids see blood remind them of the blood song!