Animation: Interested A cute, short animation all about steam. A steam engine explains how he converts fuel and water into steam and then into different types of energy. There are different kinds of energy? Let this little steam engine teach your kids all about potential energy, heat energy, chemical energy and kinetic energy. Little boys (and girls) who like trains will absolutely love this animation from Science With Me!
Song: You’ll be tapping your foot under the desk while singing the Science With Me! Steam Engine tune. This catchy educational tune will help even very young children understand how steam is converted to energy.
Coloring Book: Kids love our downloadable coloring books…next time you’re on a train or plane, be sure to bring this Science With Me! coloring book and make friends with our Steam Engine.
Sing-Along Storybook: Take the slog out of learning and let Science With Me! do the work for you with this fun Sing-Along Storybook all about steam and the different types of energy. Science With Me!…makes learning easy!